As a part of our Community Service, Wellness and Leadership (CSWL) Program or as a stand alone event. GNM Block Parties is a very effective way to discover the wellness of and to reach out to your community, or a community.
There are three main priorities that make this possible:
- Evangelism - This special event will feature a barbecue style meal offered FREE with music as entertainment and inspiration. It also includes fun activities for children, and "door prizes" given at specific times throughout the program
for children, teenagers and adults who registered.
This provides a marvelous way to take a community census without having to go door-to-door. You can utilize the registration cards for future mail-outs announcing other special events you will offer to the community.
This also gives you a chance to partner with local Fire Departments,Police Units, Emergency Medical Units, free blood pressure check points, Salvation Army, Red Cross, and other community organization to display you willingness to inform, educate, and help the community with their support.
- Helping People In Need - Distribute free food and clothing.
While doing this you will discover other needs that you can later act upon as you organize yourself to do so.
- Discovering Prospects In The Community - As you intentionally talk and share with the people that have come to the block party, and list the needs that were discovered you will realize that their a prospect that can be reached and need to be reached by you and the things you offer the community.
GNM offers Block Party consultation to help you plan and streamline your event for the biggest impact for the community you serve.